Published by: Research Desk Released: Oct 12, 2023

Based in Boulder, Colorado, Naropa University provides a unique learning experience for its students. As the first accredited university to bring contemplative education to the West, their students combine introspection and experiential learning with their academic study. They offer a variety of courses and majors for their students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, creating a classroom culture of engagement and equity.

Naropa is led by a philosophy of mindfulness and compassion, which is imparted into every aspect of their program. They give their students a chance to further their education while learning through self-awareness and personal introspection. While their student body may be small, as with any educational institution, a lot of sensitive data is handled by the university. Their university doesn’t require a full cybersecurity staff, but with the changes in today’s technology, and the frequency of educational institutions being targeted by cybercriminals, it became clear that they needed a robust security program.