What Does End-to-End Security Mean for Your Business

What Does End-to-End Security Mean for Your Business

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jun 24, 2020

As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, varied, and frequent, mid-market businesses find that they need enterprise-grade protection. At the same time, staff and budget constraints compared to enterprises make it challenging to secure their environments adequately. The threats they face against their operations and assets range from phishing and ransomware to physical theft or loss of devices, covert crypto-mining, denial of service, advanced persistent threats, and many others.

In addition to the increasing complexity of dangers that medium businesses face, the sheer number of threats is astonishing, with more than 350,000 new threats emerging daily.1 The results are alarming; in fact, a 2018 Cybersecurity report finds that the majority of medium businesses have already experienced a breach, and that the majority of those breaches incurred losses of $500,000 or more.2 Many may never recover.