
  • The Vigilant Ops InSight platform was crafted to meet rising cybersecurity needs, following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s PreMarket Guidance.

Vigilant Ops Inc., a startup specializing in automation platforms, secured a two-million-dollar seed funding round from DataTribe Capital LLC. The investment aims to enhance the capabilities of its InSight platform, particularly within critical infrastructure industries.

Established in 2019, Vigilant Ops offers solutions for creating, managing, and vulnerability monitoring of software bills of materials (SBOMs). Regulated organizations that purchase and develop software use the company’s platform; Vigilant Ops streamlines the SBOM process.

Vigilant Ops developed the InSight platform to address the expanding cybersecurity demands, aligning with guidelines like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s PreMarket Guidance. Positioned as akin to “your own special forces unit that can be deployed to take on your critical cybersecurity issues,” the platform proudly asserts itself as the “world’s only dedicated SBOM automation and distribution solution.”

During the software development lifecycle, users can generate SBOMs for devices in the field and automate the generation of SBOMs for any device. Every stage produces certified compliant documentation with complete workflow and audit trails. Additionally, users have the capability to export data to quality management systems.

In terms of security, the InSight platform enables users to promptly notify designated end users regarding the availability of a patch tailored to their deployed device. Real-time analysis, search capabilities, and matching algorithms continually identify vulnerabilities.

The latest update to the InSight Platform introduces automated importing for diverse SBOM formats, including industry standards like CycloneDX and SPDX. The platform’s process for assessing vulnerability dispositioning allows for justification responses that align with established industry standards and mitigation scoring, all of which can be incorporated into Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange reports.

While the company has historically concentrated on the healthcare sector, it aims to broaden its reach into energy, telecom, manufacturing, information technology, financial services, and communications.

Chief Marketing Officer for DataTribe, Tony Surak, said, “Software security is the next domain in cyber, and government policies are increasingly placing significant development regulations that require software manufacturers to be responsible for the cybersecurity of their products. Vigilant Ops is meeting an urgent market need, automating the production of SBOMs to provide a system of record for software buyers to manage SBOMs and bolster resiliency through identifying and mitigating component vulnerabilities.”