World Leaders arrived in France for Paris Peace Forum, where French President Emmanuel Macron leveraged to announce the “Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace”. Though major cyber powers like the USA, China and Russia had skipped the meeting.

Mr. Macron proposed an accord that would set the rules of engagement in cyber war and usage of cyber weapons. The proposal will help to set up better cooperation to prevent further attacks, ways to handle foreign interference in national security matters, fake news and hate speech.

The call was supported by more than 51 countries and companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Unisys. The Cyber Security Accord was signed by 370 members who included organizations like GitHub, Cisco, and Juniper Network. Major financial firms like Citigroup, MasterCard, Visa, and Deutsche Bank have also supported the accord.

The key aspect of Paris Security Accord included

1. Humanitarian and human rights law will be first focused on the application of international law in cyberspace.

2. Improvement in Cyber Security with the development of product and services.

3. Securing intellectual properties on the Internet or stopping privacy.

4. Protecting the national security of the state from online threats damaging peace and harmony.

5. Commitment to strengthen the International Standard.

The French President also added that he is working on trying to bring the US back on board for Cyber Security Accord.