
  • Notable features of Backslash’s platform comprise extensive reachability analysis, prioritizing critical open-source software and code vulnerabilities.
  • Integrated native security analysis detection provides AppSec and product security teams with a unified view of critical risks.

Backslash Security Inc., an application security startup, has officially unveiled its application security posture management platform, catering to enterprise application security (AppSec) and product security teams.

This innovative solution seamlessly blends ASPM capabilities with fundamental AppSec functions, encompassing software composition analysis, static application security testing, software bill of materials, vulnerability exploitability exchange, and secrets detection, into a unified, user-friendly platform.

This solution effortlessly identifies vulnerabilities on multiple fronts and includes built-in technology to prioritize them based on their accessibility and susceptibility to exploitation. By combining native risk assessment with reachability analysis, the platform uncovers hidden risks. It offers a holistic view of the most critical vulnerabilities and their impact on the real world.

Backslash designed this platform to tackle the common challenge faced by AppSec professionals, who often spend at least half their time chasing down vulnerabilities. A typical AppSec team can feel overwhelmed by the volume of vulnerabilities flagged across various isolated tools. Prioritizing and addressing the most critical security risks become increasingly challenging under these circumstances.

Backslash’s APSM platform addresses these challenges by offering an integrated, continuous, and comprehensive view of an organization’s application security posture.

Notable features of Backslash’s platform comprise extensive reachability analysis, prioritizing critical open-source software and code vulnerabilities. Security teams can optimize efforts and significantly reduce false alerts by concentrating on genuinely within-reach and exploitable risks.

Integrated native security analysis detection provides AppSec and product security teams with a unified view of critical risks. The platform incorporates toxic flow analysis to combat alert fatigue and ensure teams prioritize resolving critical vulnerabilities.

Automated vulnerability and threat modeling in the platform gives users an instant visual representation of their application’s security posture. When remediation is necessary, the platform identifies the most suitable developer for each code fix, supported by clear evidence, thus accelerating the mean time to recovery.

Shahar Man, the co-founder and Chief Executive, stated before the official announcement, “Backslash draws inspiration from the agile workflows we see in software development — just as devs have shortened and streamlined their cycles, we can now shorten and streamline ours. The power to continuously prioritize the most critical, reachable vulnerabilities will enable AppSec to keep pace with their dev counterparts.”